Celebrity photos you may have missed this week. (July 2)

There was a time when newspapers and magazines were the sole means of getting updates on the lives of all our favorite celebrities. But as time passed on, the picture changed and television gained popularity. However this was short lived as internet took the world by storm and it’s on this very internet that lots of  websites like ours (Galaxy Lollywood) flourished and gave/are giving audiences all the latest filmi news. But whats next?

Well next is the social media! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are now all the rage and the hot and happening celebrities of Pakistan have been raiding these platforms, and flooding the social media with their not so personal lives. To get the first scoop on all the latest happening one just needs to click the celebrity’s online profile. But, to keep a tab on the accounts of so many people on so many platforms can surely be a tedious task and that is where we, Galaxy Lollywood, come in.

We will stalk all your favorite celebrities and get the latest update so that you don’t miss out on anything. The most interesting among these updates are the snazzy pictures which our celebrities upload. So every week we will upload some of the most interesting photos we can find online for you all to see. Do comment and let us know what you think of this idea and also of the pictures. So here is the first edition of “Celebrity Photos You May Have Missed This Week”





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