Maheer Confesses Love for Saad in Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha: What to Expect Next?

Maheer in Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha

Weeks after putting across one flat episode after another, Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha has shown some development in the storyline. It came as a surprising shock to not only Saad but also the audience when Maheer finally confessed her feelings in front of him. We have to give this to Hania Aamir for looking absolutely lovely as the shying, innocent girl who confesses her love for the first time. However, this seems to be just the beginning of a difficult period for Saad and Maheer together.

How is the story going to move further in Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha?

After Maheer’s much awaited confession, fans have started loving the new character development for Hania Aamir. After having cried on for weeks, it comes as a breathe of fresh air, having Maheer take a decisive stand and expresses how she feels. Twitter has flooded with appreciation for Maheer’s confession.

The memes about Areeb are however, heartbreaking. Poor guy has been left alone one again. However, it seems as if Areeb will have something bad up his sleeve after Maheer confessed her feelings for Saad. The promo showed Areeb declaring the cliched line that he would not let Maheer belong to anyone else if she couldn’t be his and considering the money and power he has, it seems, he’ll make life difficult for Saad as much as he can.

Also considering Areeb loved Maheer passionately, he’s going to be derisive when it comes to expressing his hatred. Areeb was shown to be filled with contempt against Maheer and this is now going to cost both Saad and Maheer their happiness. Maybe their happiness will be short lived or maybe Areeb will get saner and give up the idea of having Maheer for his own once and for all. Only time will tell us about the developments. For now we’re happy that the drama has had some significant development after being dead for ages.

The Reaction

Maheer’s foolish behavior in the previous episodes had been a downer for all the fans who continued to watch Mujhay Pyar Hua Tha over the weeks, despite a stale storyline. However, this fresh development has brought across some exciting reviews for the drama itself. Hania and Wahaj’s emotive pallet was praised by the audience largely because of the range of emotions expressed in this one episode.

As it seems, Saad, Maheer and Areeb, all three of them together have not expressed such conflicting emotions in the entire run of the play that they did in this week’s episode of Mujhay Pyar Hua Tha. Saad ranged from uncertainty to anxiety and finally relief while Maheer went from her indecisiveness to finally deciding and declaring her choice openly. Areeb went from a heartbroken but hopeful lover to one filled with derision and hatred for his beloved.

All this combined together hints at Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha finally picking up pace in the upcoming episodes. If this is the case, we think Mujhay Pyar Hua Tha might be able to get its lost audience back. However, we just have one plea to the makers. Don’t turn it into a cliched Indian TV soap where the lead characters themselves will have no idea about how to react and go about their future.


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